Sleepsana Blog
Believe it or not, a bedtime ritual is just as important as a morning routine. However, everyone seems to be raging about morning routines while bedtime rituals get nowhere near the hype.
Yes, morning routines are very crucial when done properly. A successful morning routine could consist of you mapping out your day, going to the gym, starting the morning off on a healthy note by eating a healthy breakfast, knocking out your most important tasks first and an endless amount of other things.
Morning routines are very valuable. After all, if you start the day off on the right foot, you are more likely to carry that momentum with you throughout the day. However, if you wake up late and are feeling rushed before you even get to work, then that negative, overwhelmed feeling could stick with you the entire day.
Morning routines are key to success, but so are bedtime rituals, and they should be receiving just as much hype as a result.
First things first, let's break down a couple of differences between the two. While many morning routines consist of exercising or doing your most important work of the day, you probably shouldn't be doing those two things at night. Why? Well, in terms of exercise, you don't want to be all pumped up before you go to sleep, do you? That is especially the case if you take a pre-workout or anything of the sort before you exercise. In terms of work, being successful is all about prioritizing, which is why you get your most important things done first, not wait until night to knock them out.
Bedtime rituals are all about winding down and possibly preparing for the next day. A bedtime ritual ends your day while a morning routine starts it.
Okay, so let's get to the big question we have all been waiting for. Why are bedtime rituals just as important as morning routines?
For starters, if your bedtime ritual consists of drinking a pot of coffee before you go to bed, then you are never going to get to sleep. Caffeine stays in your system for a long time, even if you aren't feeling the effects of it after a couple of hours. Caffeine consumption later in the day can keep you up by itself.
Bedtime rituals are so important because without one, you wouldn't go to bed at the same time every night, which could lead to you feeling sleep deprived the next day. Sleep is one of the most important tools when it comes to success, and that is why a bedtime ritual is so crucial.
You have to be on top of your game every single morning if you plan on knocking your morning routine out of the park. However, if you go to bed later than planned -- especially if you follow that trend for an extended period of time -- you are either not going to wake up early enough to get everything done, which could lead to you skipping your morning routine altogether, or you will go through your morning routine, and the rest of your day, tired and unmotivated. Simply put, that's not how you do your best work.
In a nutshell, you need to be getting the proper amount of sleep each night, and that is where a bedtime ritual comes into play -- it keeps you on track at night and leads to you having a proper wind down so you can sleep peacefully.
A bedtime ritual is also just as important as a morning routine because without it, you wouldn't know what the next day holds. You should be doing some form of planning at night. This, of course, helps you prepare for the next day and also allows you to make a schedule that works for you, a schedule that makes it possible for you to get everything done.
Not to mention, you shouldn't be working 24/7, so your bedtime ritual should also consist of some downtime, which is very important when it comes to maximizing your success. We are not machines, which means we can't work every hour of the day. We need to give our minds and bodies time to recharge, and that is where downtime comes into play. It can feature some TV time, reading, hanging out with the family or whatever helps you get your mind recharged.
Morning routines are a very important part of the process, but so are bedtime rituals. Just because you clock out of work, you shouldn't let your good habits go to waste by clocking out of them as well. Continue to be successful outside of the office by planning out your entire day, and by also incorporating bedtime rituals.
Without them, you might not be ready for the next day, you might not recharge and you also might feel like a zombie as a result of not getting enough sleep.
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