Sleepsana Blog
If you are obsessed with sleep (you should be because sleep is essential to life), then you will be very surprised to see some of the findings that SleepScore Labs dropped at CES 2017.
First things first, who do you think gets more sleep, men or women? While New York is known as The City That Never Sleeps, do they really never sleep? How much sleep do they get compared to people who -- I don't know -- live in Los Angeles? Does coffee consumption really affect sleep?
If you are interested in these burning questions, along with some others, then SleepScore Labs has you covered.
You can check out some interesting insights from SleepScore Labs' latest study below (via, and you can also see all of the findings by following the linked article.
"79% of Americans sleep less than 7 hours per night: Most Americans sleep one hour less. To put this in context, a recent study by AAA reported that sleeping as little as one hour less than recommended doubles the risk of a traffic accident."
"Women sleep longer than men: Men average 5 hours, 45 minutes, while women average 6 hours, 9 minutes."
"On average, Americans go to bed at 10:21pm and wake up at 7:41am: People in the Pacific Time Zone go to bed the latest, at 11:17 pm, and people in the Eastern Time Zone wake up the earliest at 7:40 am."
"New York vs. Los Angeles: Even though it’s touted as the city that never sleeps, New Yorkers go to bed just under 3 minutes earlier than Los Angeleans."
"Exercise is good for sleep: Any amount is helpful, but the optimal amount is 30 minutes, which correlates to 14 minutes of extra sleep per night."
"Caffeine: Good news here! Three or fewer cups of coffee didn’t notably affect average sleep time much, but those who drank four cups or more slept 26 minutes less."
"Alcohol: Surprisingly, those who had one or two drinks slept an average of 16 minutes more than people who had more than two drinks (or none at all)."
"Technology makes a difference: First cuts of the data show a clear benefit from the use of at least some smart sleep and wake lighting systems."
"Common sleep problems: Excessive fatigue during the day and taking too long to fall asleep were most common reported issues. Waking up in the middle of the night is a major problem for many Americans."
Sleep is a big deal. Without it, in a worst-case scenario, people would die. At the very least, if people are sleep deprived, they will not function or perform at the highest level. This can affect everyday things like driving to work, and it can affect bigger picture things like relationships with your family and work performance.
Sleep is very, very important -- we cannot hammer that point home enough. Hopefully amazing sleep studies (like SleepScore Labs' above findings) continue to come out, and hopefully people use said studies to their advantage.
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