Sleepsana Blog
If you're not performing at your peak during the game, then you're probably not getting enough sleep. Get back to your peak performance with Sleep Sana.
It's hard to get work done when you aren't getting enough sleep at night. If you're falling down on the job you want to try Sleep Sana Sleep Shots.
Without sleep, a person would be sleep deprived the next day, which could lead to a person not properly functioning. Heck, without sleep, a person could die. If you are an athlete in any sense of the word, then you should never take time away from your sleep schedule. So, here's the million dollar question: How much sleep should you really be getting every night if you are an athlete? Like anything in life, it depends. It depends on how much you work out/practice/play. A common theory is that most people need seven to nine hours of sleep every night...