Sleepsana Blog
Are you having trouble sleeping at night? Believe it or not, this could be a simple fix depending on your situation. In the spirit of that thinking, we have come up with three simple secrets that will lead to a good night's rest. If tossing and turning is your thing every night, then it's important to eliminate that unforced habit in hopes of getting a good night's rest. After all, being well-rested could lead to you performing at your best, being more alert, etc. Let's unleash those simple secrets, shall we? RELATED: These New Insights From Largest Consumer Sleep Study...
For years, people have been claiming that caffeine consumption during the day can actually affect your sleep schedule at night. On the surface, that makes complete sense. After all, people take caffeine to help them stay awake, to help them feel more alert and to help them be more focused, among other things. Surely, that type of substance would affect your sleep patterns, right? According to, "Because caffeine is a stimulant, most people use it after waking up in the morning or to remain alert during the day. While it is important to note that caffeine cannot replace sleep,...
If you have allergies -- and we know there are a ton of people out there who do -- then you have likely taken Benadryl a time or two. Heck, this anticholinergic drug might be your go-to move whenever a sneeze attack rears its ugly head. If you have found yourself using Benadryl, or anticholinergic medications in general, then you might want to stop. As Beverly Merz, the Executive Editor of Harvard Women’s Health Watch, pointed out, "In a report published in JAMA Internal Medicine, researchers offers compelling evidence of a link between long-term use of anticholinergic medications like Benadryl and dementia."...