Sleepsana Blog
Are you one of those people who hits the snooze button over and over again in the morning? If so, then you should make it a goal to eliminate that bad habit in 2017. The reason why is simple. Hitting the snooze button over and over again can actually lead to you being more tired. It literally throws off your internal clock. As a result, your body might not know when to wake up, and it also might not know when it's time to go to bed, which can lead to you tossing and turning throughout the night. That is...
When you're not getting enough sleep you're setting yourself up for some seriously negative side-effects. Get Sleep Sana and get the sleep you need today!
Entrepreneurs have a lot on their plates. If you're not getting the sleep you need, then you're not meeting the expectations of your clients and team. It may seem like a waste of time to get a full night's sleep, but here's why you're wrong.